Logos Bible Study App For Mac

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Faithlife Study Bible. A digital study Bible with trusted notes, the Faithlife Study Bible can be paired with your favorite translation. It’s perfect for small groups, Sunday school, and more. Visit iOS App Store Visit Google Play Store. Mar 01, 2018  PC/Mac app - Olive Tree can more than hold it’s own on mobile, but when you get to PC/Mac apps dealing with serious academic study, Olive Tree is somewhat underdeveloped - they’ve always been a mobile-first company, and keep their features restricted to what’s going to be most useful to the average user’s average bible study - which is.

  1. Download Logos Bible App
  2. Free Bible App For Mac
  3. Logos Online Bible App
  4. Free Study Bible App
  5. Logos Bible Study App For Mac Pro

The Bible software market for Mac got a little more competitive this summer as Laridian released their long awaited PocketBible for Mac, brining the simplicity of the PocketBible app from years gone by to OSX. This program started out as a Kickstarter campaign and when I learned about it, I quickly pledged to back the program and happily started testing it as a beta app awhile ago.

No one will confuse PocketBible for an advanced Bible study tool that competes with tools like Logos Bible Software or Accordance, but it does make for a simple to use, speedy way to quickly look up verses, search for that passage you’re trying to find and access your PocketBible books. Most lay Bible students will really enjoy PocketBible and more advanced students should consider adding it to their arsenal for those times they want to quickly find something in the Bible.

If someone already owns a Laridian PocketBible library of books, then he or she should go to http://www.laridian.com and download it today. There’s no good reason not to install it on the Mac. Even owners of other more feature complete tools will want to give PocketBible a serious look since it’s one of the fastest and most Mac-like Bible apps available.

Setting it Up

Open PocketBible and log in using the simple registration screen that shows up upon first launch. Then go into the Cloud Library from the Books menu item, from with the Open Library box that shows up when the user hits the Open Library button on the toolbar, or hit CMD-L on the keyboard.

Here’s one possible area of improvement. I wish the program had a Download All button for instant installation of all of my books. That’s a one-time problem, so it’s not a big deal.

For those who used Book Builder from Laridian to make their own books, install them by copying the books into this folder:

~/Library/Application Support/com.laridian.PocketBible/Laridian Books

The user must open Finder, hit the Go menu and press the Option key to reveal the Library folder. Then drill down to the Laridian Books folder and copy books there.

The User Interface

PocketBible for Mac looks much like it does on other platforms. There’s the Study Panel on the left with tabs for things like …

  • Find – perform advanced Boolean searches
  • Bookmarks – find and organize your bookmarks
  • Highlights
  • Notes
  • FindNote – search your notes
  • GoTo – navigate books (table of contents)

To use the GoTo section, click in the open book first and it automatically changes to the table of contents for that book.

The default window pane layout includes a larger center pane where most users will place a Bible. On the right find two smaller panes. I opened two of my favorite commentaries. By default, the Bible pane will control the other two. In other words, as I scroll through the book of 1 Corinthians, the two commentaries will follow moving from verse-to-verse and chapter-to-chapter syncing the content.

There’s a toolbar with buttons for the following tasks:

  • Study Panel – opens and closes the Study Panel on the left of the main window
  • Open Book – opens the library
  • Go To – opens the GoTo box in Study Panel to jump to a place in book or Bible
  • Search – opens the Search box in Study Panel
  • Bookmarks – opens the Bookmarks box in Study Panel
  • Back/Forward – moves back and forth in the user’s history
  • Today – takes the user to that day’s reading in their chosen devotional
  • Cloud Sync – syncs with Laridian’s cloud sync service to back up or download user content like bookmarks, highlights and notes
  • Help – opens the Help book

The menu at the top gives users another way to access the various parts of the program.

PocketBible Features

While PocketBible doesn’t offer a large collection of advanced tools, it does what it’s designed to do very well. For example, instead of jumping from page to page by tapping as one does on the mobile version of the app, each book scrolls through the book. That means we don’t need to try and remember which part of the screen to tap, like we do with the tablet or phone version.

Logos Bible Study App For Mac

To highlight, bookmark or add a note to a passage, right lick inside a verse to show the menu. By default there’s a collection of highlighting styles with all the basic colors plus three styles of underlining.

Bookmarking uses a category system that the user sets up. For example, one might want to set up a category for topics like grace, sin, glory, church, etc. Then right-click and select the bookmark item in the menu and a flare-out menu will show the categories created. Click on a category to add a bookmark to that category.

Other features available through the right-click include…

  • Adding notes
  • Looking up the selected word or phrase in PocketBible
  • Searching Google
  • Copying the passage or phrase
  • Starting speech which reads the text
  • Close the pane or split it vertically/horizontally

PocketBible also handles daily Bible reading. Click on the Today button to open the chosen devotional or reading plan. When a user finishes that day’s reading or devotional, they can “tap” which means to click on it. This seems to be a holdover from the tablet days.

Customize the layout by choosing the View menu and clicking on Change Layout…. A window of optional layouts appears after a dialogue box asks if you want to discard the current layout. The result will be an empty layout. Click one of the empty panes and then click on Open Book button to open a book. Click the next pane and repeat until books populate all the panes. To close a pane, right-click on the pane and close it from the menu.

If a user would like, they can customize the toolbar to put things like a Close Pane or Close Book button the toolbar. Right-click any blank part of the toolbar and choose Customize Toolbar…. Then add buttons from the window that appears by dragging them into place.

3 Minor Areas of Improvement and 1 Major Suggestion

Here’s a few minor areas of improvement I’d like to see in the first update. First, a user can’t close book with COMMAND+W like most Mac programs. This would make things faster for experienced Mac users who like to use keyboard shortcuts.

Some of the available buttons don’t appear on the toolbar by default, and I they should, like the Close Book button and the Close Pane button.

Finally, I wish I could save a layout with specific books and give it a name. For example, I’d like to open the ESV, the ESV Study Bible and my favorite commentary in a three-pane layout. I can’t see a way to save this arrangement. I can open the three-pane layout, but then I must reopen the three books manually.

The major change I’d like to see is a study helper option like other programs offer. WordSearch, Logos, and Olive Tree all offer a feature where the user can, with the lick of a button, show a window that lists all of their books pointing to a particular passage. It’s like having a research assistant go to your library and get all your books on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 and then open them in a stack on your desk.


If you’re a Mac owner and already own books in Laridian’s PocketBible or used to use one of their mobile apps for Palm, PocketPC or some other platform, then drop everything and download PocketBible for Mac. Windows users who want to switch to make, but didn’t because they own a large Laridian library, now’s the time. There’s nothing holding you back.

Users who want to get started using a digital library, should give Laridian’s PocketBible a look. It’s a simple program that won’t take long to learn to use. It’s not the most advanced and doesn’t include as many features as some of the other Bible software programs, but I like it a lot and will make it my Go To program when I just want to quickly open the Bible and read or search for a particular passage. That’s because it’s lightning fast and simple to master. I’m a satisfied Kickstarter backer.

Bible students who plant to go deep and want something that can grow with them, may want to look at Accordance or Logos on the Mac. The two best Mac programs for advanced Digital Bible Study.

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Here is an overview of the 9 best Bible study apps available for Android & iPhone in 2020. These Bible apps and tools will provide you with a way to nurture your faith both easily and effectively.

The days of being able to sit down and pour over books or listen to teachings to help grow your understanding of the Bible are long gone. Instead you have a house to clean, kids to care for, a marriage to tend to, and sanity to cling to.

Thankfully, there are some truly fantastic free Bible study apps available for women who are on the move and still want to dive deep in the truths of Scripture.

In fact, there are hundreds to choose from, so how do you choose the right app for your Bible time?

What Are The Best Bible Study Apps Available Today?

It really depends on what you’re looking to get out of your app, honestly.

So I’ve gathered up all the best Bible study apps for iPhone and Android users (and some work on your laptop, too!) and explained the features of each one so you can pick and choose which apps will be the best for your quiet time (or not-so-quiet time, Mama!).

These easy to use and well designed apps for your smartphone, tablet, or desktop make it possible for you to still study the Bible. Plus, they work with both Android and iPhone interfaces and they’re free!

Whether you are looking for a way to listen to the Word on the go, immerse yourself in an in-depth verse by verse study, or want to do a simple topical overview, these Bible study apps have you covered! You know all the reasons to read the Bible, and now you’ll have even more ways to make it possible.

And one of the best parts is that each of these easy Bible study apps for Christian women are online and totally free. They are all user friendly and offer so many features that there’s something for everyone here.

While some of these Bible study apps do have paid upgrades or complementary products offered, it’s completely possible to grow your faith through an in depth study of Scripture with the simple swipe or tap of a finger and no money spent.

So without further ado, here are the best Bible study apps for women that will work on your iPhone, iPad, Android, and even your Kindle Fire in some instances.

Best Bible App Study #1: Accordance

This is one I’d never heard of before researching some new Bible study apps to check out, and it’s impressive.

I have it on my laptop and downloaded it here. In the App Store it’s called Accordance Mobile, by Oak Tree Software Inc.

You can compare two Bible versions of your choice in parallel scrolling, as they sync together. This is awesome! When you register your free starter account you can even download several commentaries and reference materials to be used offline as ell.

According to the app developers, “These materials range from Christian classics to Jewish publications to high-end reference works to the Dead Sea Scrolls in Hebrew.” It’s a growing platform and one to take notice of.

Best Bible Study App #2: You Version (aka The Bible App)

This is always the first app I install on a new device. You Version is, to me, the best Bible study app around. You can make notes, highlight passages, and even make graphics from your favorite verses.

Just search for YouVersion Bible App or visit here (and it will be called The Bible App by Life Church).

You can use the live feature and send notes to Evernote (another favorite app!), highlight, or listen to an audio Bible. It’s incredibly versatile and works both on- and off-line which I appreciate.

One of the features that makes You Version my vote for all around best Bible study app is that it has nearly 2,000 versions of the Bible in over 1,000 language. WOW!

It also offers several different reading plans, accountability to them with friends, and some features you can use with your kids. If you’re not familiar with the You Version Bible study app, then check it out ASAP.

When you’re a busy woman who wants to grow in the Lord, these free Bible study apps are an absolute must-have tool to have at your fingertips…and this one is one of the best.

Best Bible Study App #3: Bible Gateway

With more than 200 versions and translations of the Bible easily available to search, study, or simply read.

In addition to this, Bible Gateway Bible study app (available to use online here) also has devotions and reference material available. It’s a solid app and also easily usable from your laptop.

The reading plans and audio Bibles available make this a leading Bible app for busy women who want to listen to Word from the treadmill, carpool line, or while picking up toys at the end of a long day. Check out their Daily Audio Bible study app, too.

Best Bible Study App #4: E-Sword

This little known Bible study app has been a favorite of mine for over a decade. Years ago it was only for use on a PC, but today this powerful Bible study app works on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad as well. I’ve been using this for a decade!

E-Sword is a simple and straightforward app that allows you study the Bible verse by verse and provides tons of valuable references.

You can use this app for personal study or to write sermons, devotions, and Bible studies in. The E-Sword Bible study app contains a parallel Bible study view, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) printing capabilities to grab your notes for teaching, an extensive reference library, maps, powerful search features, audio sermon library, and more.

I have installed this Bible study app on my kids’ homeschool laptop for deeper study, as well.

We truly enjoy this particular Bible study app…and think you will, too!

Best Bible Study App #5: gloBIBLE

The gloBIBLE is one of the coolest Bible study apps I’ve found. It’s a fabulous Bible study tool for both iPhone and Android users, and I’m personally really excited about it!

This Bible study app lets you click on a verse and access HD videos, pictures, sermons, commentaries, maps, virtual tours, and more that have been contributed by various ministries, churches, publishers, and pastors.

If you’ve got kids, put this on your iPad and let them watch some of the videos, explore Biblical geography with the maps and tours, and really get engaged in their learning! Check it out here.

Best Bible Study App #6: The Blue Letter Bible

If you’ve ever gone to Bible school, you’re probably familiar with this Bible study app (and if not, check it out here). It has many of the features of other Bible study tools listed here, such as being able to see the original meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words used in the earliest versions of the Bible and commentaries.

This Bible study app also equips to easily do topical studies. It contains several devotion options you can use in the app, as well. There are also audio and video commentaries, which are fantastic. The FAQ section is great to answer common theological questions.

The Blue Letter Bible study app also has charts, diagrams, and maps which would prove helpful to those who want an in-depth analysis and understanding of the original context of the Bible. This is a great Bible app for women who are really wanting to deep dive into the Word.

Logos bible study app for mac free

Best Bible Study App #7: Bible.org

Simple, yet incredibly valuable. Bible.org is a Bible study app that is great for women, children, men, pastors, etc. They actually have specific focuses for different people to meet each individual’s needs, so you’ll get a personalized experience when you use this Bible app.

Download Logos Bible App

And within Bible.org is a really awesome resource called Lumina were you can study verses and versions in parallel style. This is a hearty Bible study app that is great for deeper study. The app is now called NET Bible in the App Store.

Best Bible Study App #8: NIV Quest Study Bible

With full color maps and photos as well as more than 20,000 notes, this is one app you can’t overlook in your search for the best free Bible study app. It’s literally a digital study Bible!

If you’re a fan of the NIV translation, then this is a fabulous app to have handy on your iPhone or Android device. It’s also great for when you’re doing family Bible time and want to show your kids right where something is on a map; this app makes that super simple to do!

Best Bible Study App #9: Bible.is

Free Bible App For Mac

This is seriously FANTASTIC. Bible.is is a great witnessing tool to have on your smartphone, too. This Bible app integrates with the Jesus Film so you literally watch Scripture come to life.

It’s more than a Bible study app; it’s a way to experience the Word more fully in a new way. This is also great for parents who have kids that are very visual. They can watch the Bible.

Bible Study Apps Are A Great Tool For Growing Faith

Logos Online Bible App

These Bible study apps for women are a great tool in growing your faith. When you want to add some deeper study in addition to your personal quiet time with the Lord (and yes, you can have quiet time as a busy mom with a little bit of creativity), these are some of the best Bible study apps to reach for.

Free Study Bible App

If you use a different one than one of these, please share it in the comments so we can all grow together! And if you love one of these, share why 🙂

More On Bible Study

Logos Bible Study App For Mac Pro

Check out these 8 Bible study methods with tips on how to study the Bible and how to get started diving deeper into the Word.

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